Warehouse Industry Information & Articles

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Used warehouse equipment: when does it make sense?

Advantages of Buying Used Warehouse Equipment When it’s time for you to replace your warehouse equipment, does it make sense to buy new – or used? As with most questions, it depends about your needs, timeline and budget. If you have unlimited time and money, then buying new equipment is a possibility for you. But, even then, it might make sense to explore used warehouse equipment first. Here are some reasons why. Maximize Dollars Used warehouse equipment naturally costs less than new. So, even if you can afford a new piece…

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Warehouse Layout Design – Save Time and Money

Warehouse Layout Design and More: Tips for Optimal Efficiency Yes, “time is money” is a clichĂ© – but that doesn’t make it any less true. And inefficiencies in your warehouse waste time, therefore money. Here are tips to make your warehouse layout process more streamlined for optimal operations. Although this Inbound Logistics article is a few years old, its advice is timeless, including these tips among others: • Clearly share organization goals and processes to workers. Open communication is at the core of productivity; lack of it leads to “high turnover…

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